Home » Cooking Podcasts For Kids: Teach Your Children Science in a Fun Way

Cooking Podcasts For Kids: Teach Your Children Science in a Fun Way

Cooking podcasts for kids-really?? Yes-it’s seriously screen-free education about science they will actually listen to and retain. It’s genius!

I LOVE the idea of hands-on learning, especially when it comes to science and the value of cooking. However, it’s just not always feasible. In the magazines, you see the beautiful kitchen with the patient mom and her smiling kids making and dicing vegetables together. The reality in our kitchen during baking and cooking….piles of flour caked on the floor and walls, messy pans piled up in the sink, and me scurrying off to my office to join a conference call.

So, yes, some days, my kids are allowed to bake or cook- other days, I am quite happy to play a podcast to spike their curiosity and get them thinking so when we do hit the kitchen, the science really sticks. I will add that we love cooking shows too- but supplementing with podcasts means SCREEN-FREE time- a win win for parents and kids alike. If you love this list, be sure to check out our Ultimate Guide to Educational Podcasts for Kids.

Mystery Recipe

Believe it or not, a podcasts exists solely dedicated to cooking and kids. Produced by America’s Test Kitchen Kids, creativity oozes from each episode of this show. Pick any week and start with episode 1 for that week, and kids of all ages will enjoy listening. Highlights include guessing what the secret ingredient is, interviews with experts about specific food production or preparation, tips for cooking and baking, and shout outs to listeners. Each episode is typically around 20 minutes or less, ideal for listening to in the car or while cleaning the kitchen!

Brains On- Science Podcast for Kids (Specific Episodes)

Salty snack science: Popcorn, nachos and the origins of salt (33 min): Your littles will learn about the origin of their snacks and even salt- making them think deeper about the ingredients they use when cooking.

Flavor Facts: Why Food Is So Delicious (35 min): Why are specific foods so flavorful and why do we have our faves we love? Listen along to this one with your kids, and if you want them to play along, you just need jellybeans, a few pieces of dark chocolate, and a blindfold.

This show also includes an amazing series of cooking episodes with the science clearly explained- #1 is Heat (31 minutes); #2 Chill (29 minutes); #3 Chop (31 minutes); #4 Mix (31 minutes). These are not just seriously fun, but are seriously educational.

But Why: A Podcast For Curious Kids (Specific Episodes)

Why Do Cookies Taste Better With Salt, And Other Cooking Questions (23 minutes): Remember, I promised these shows would truly provide education behind the culinary fun- this one is a winner for sure. In just over 20 minutes, your kids (and you if you wish) will get answers to all those questions you have about why specific ingredients are added to your recipes.

How Are Noodles Made? (21 minutes): This episode is a like a field-trip to a restaurant with a famous chef-listen to learn just how noodles are made.

Wow in the World (Specific Episode)

Hey Onion! You Are Making Me Cry (20 minutes): Yet another phenomenal science lesson in 20 minutes or less- why exactly DO onions make us cry??

Taste Bud Retirement (10 minutes): Get ready to learn the facts and fictions about taste buds and why we taste things the way we do.

The Kitchen Counter: Home Cooking Tips and Inspiration

This show is best for older kids and adults to listen to- it’s truly cooking lessons wrapped up in short lessons. Episode topics range from specific recipes to simple tips on kitchen organization, how to wash fruits and vegetables, holiday specials and tool recommendations. Kids will benefit from hearing about some of the best starter equipment for their future kitchen.

Proof from America’s Test Kitchen

Another show ideal for older kiddos and adults, this one won’t disappoint. In-depth background of ingredients are discussed and worldwide culinary culture is featured (hint, this may lead to a short geography lesson!). Episodes range from 30 to 60 minutes in duration.

Well, are you sold yet? Free, screen-free, mess-free entertainment is right at the tip of your fingertip- try a cooking podcast for your kids and let us know what they think! Inspire creativity and a love for science today.

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